The Manifest Celebrates HUSPI as one of the Most-Reviewed Gaming Developers

We're thrilled to announce that HUSPI has been named one of the most-reviewed gaming developers in Kyiv, Ukraine by the Manifest!
We're thrilled to announce that HUSPI has been named one of the most-reviewed gaming developers in Kyiv, Ukraine by the Manifest!
What is Single Page Application (SPA), its benefits for users and businesses, its SEO, and tech such as Blazor, Angular, React.js, and Vue.js.
FHIR is new, HL7 v2 is trustworthy... but both standards have their drawbacks. Let's talk about HL7 v2 and how to overcome its challenges.
The technical side of EMR integration and interoperability with the help of HL7 and FHIR.
How EHR integration with APIs can increase the interoperability and patient outcomes? Let's talk about that.
For centuries, rigid masculinity ideals forced men to suppress health issues, but emerging tech startups are finally addressing these overlooked needs.
We're thrilled to be named a top software development company by! Looking to streamline operations, increase efficiency, or reach new customers? We can help!
Women's health has long been neglected, but now, FemTech is revolutionizing care, yet funding remains disproportionately low. Significant progress needed.
Digital solutions like telemedicine and wearable devices are transforming healthcare, but there is a pressing need for clinical-grade tools to ensure reliable, safe, and effective patient care.
The metaverse is a developing virtual environment that brings together various technologies. Let's talk about the metaverse impacting healthcare industry.