EMR Integration with HL7 and FHIR Standards

The platform integrates seamlessly with Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems, InterQual, and MCG ensuring efficient data exchange, eliminating the need for manual data entry, and streamlining the medical decision process.


HealthTech (Hospitals, Insurance)

Tech Stack

Microsoft Azure, NodeJS, React, React Native, JavaScript, Redux, SQL, Typescript, XML


PM, UI/UX Designer, 2 Backend, 1 Fullstack, 1 Frontend, 2 QA Engineers

Streamlining Utilization Reviews

Our client, specializing in automated healthcare solutions, needed to streamline utilization review processes for clinics and insurance companies. Manual processes were hindering efficiency, increasing costs, and creating workflow bottlenecks.

HUSPI’s Solution: We developed a comprehensive software solution designed to optimize utilization review processing integrated with InterQual and MCG for a better decision-making process.

Key Features:

  • Seamless EMR Integration: The platform integrates seamlessly with Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems, ensuring efficient data exchange and eliminating the need for manual data entry.
  • User-Centric Design: The intuitive interface prioritizes ease of use, ensuring smooth adoption by non-technical hospital staff, including reviewers and administrators.
  • Enhanced Review Workflows: The platform empowers efficient review and analysis of ER and inpatient processes, with functionalities for managing cases, generating reports, and extracting valuable insights.
  • Advanced Analytics: The system provides comprehensive analytics to identify trends and optimize hospital operations based on data-driven insights.

Project Scope:

The project encompassed the development of several key deliverables:

  • HIPAA Compliance: Ensuring the medical data security and meeting the healthcare industry standards.
  • HL7 and FHIR Standards: Taking the best from both standards and providing the optimal interoperability options.
  • Automated Inpatient & ED Review Processes: Eliminating manual tasks and streamlining review workflows for both ER and inpatient care.
  • MCG & Interqual Reporting System Integration: Ensuring seamless integration with industry-standard reporting systems like MCG and Interqual.
  • Reviewer Dashboard: A dedicated dashboard for reviewers to efficiently manage cases, access relevant data, and complete reviews on time.
  • Comprehensive Analytics System: A robust analytics platform providing valuable insights into utilization review processes, allowing for data-driven decision-making and improved hospital operations.

HUSPI: Empowering Efficiency in Healthcare

This project exemplifies HUSPI’s dedication to developing impactful solutions for the healthcare industry. By streamlining utilization review processes, our software empowers clinics and insurance companies to reduce costs, optimize workflows, and ultimately, improve patient care.

hipaa-compliant product

Measurable Success:

The project resulted in significant improvements for our client:

  • Faster Onboarding: The user-friendly interface allows for faster training and onboarding of new reviewers, facilitating rapid business growth.
  • Real-Time Reporting: The system delivers real-time statistics and reports, enabling improved decision-making and resource allocation.
  • Scalability: The efficient solution allows our client to scale their business operations seamlessly.

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