Olga Provotar gave an interview to Tech Behemoths

TechBehemoths is a Berlin-based company that unites real projects with over 55,000+ IT companies from around the world for software development and web design.

Recently, they approached Olga Provotar, COO and Co-Founder of HUSPI for an interview about herself and the history of the company.

– Hi Olga, welcome to TechBehemoths! Please tell us a little about yourself. Your background and how did you come to this point in life?

– My name is Olga. I have more than ten years of experience in software development as well as a Ph.D. in Computer science.

I can easily say that IT is in my blood and it was pretty much my predestined path since early childhood because my father was one of the very first developers. The difference between us is that I get to work on a laptop and he wrote code for those huge computers that took up the space of a small apartment.

The full interview is available on the Tech Behemoths website.

The topics covered in the interview:

  • When and how did HUSP/ start? Was there an interesting story there?
  • What does Olga think she’d be doing right now if HUSP/ didn’t exist?
  • What’s Olga’s technique for staying productive throughout the day?
  • How does Olga define “being successful”?
  • What does she like to do when she’s not working?
  • What are Olga’s recommendations for a business or developer novice?

You will also find out

  • how 5″ floppies influenced her choice of profession
  • what book she wrote and is currently waiting to publish, and
  • how IT consulting became an IT development and consulting.

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