АБВляндія mobile app: Ukrainian Alphabet for Kids

While the Ukrainian army is fighting on the literal frontlines, our HUSPI team took upon ourselves a task to support Ukraine on the linguistical frontlines.

The history of Ukranian language is filled with more action than Hollywood thrillers. Speaking Ukrainian language has for ages been a relatively dangerous activity and opportunities to learn Ukrainian officially were very limited during the USSR and before. Most Ukrainians are bilingual as a result – knowing Ukrainian and speaking russian.

In 2014, many Ukrainians have consciously switched to Ukrainian language but found it difficult to find activities, kindergartens, and schools for their children to attend that were supportive of Ukrainian language. In 2022, the situation became more critical because even more Ukrainians chose to forget russian and switched to the language of their motherland. At the same time, millions of Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes and travel to other countries, where the opportunity to learn Ukrainian for their kids is even more limited.

HUSPI was among the numerous companies across Ukraine that moved all internal communication to Ukrainian and since a lot of the team members have kids, we started thinking what can be done for our children to simplify the transition. Many pivots and changes later, we got to the idea of the Ukrainian alphabet mobile app for kids.

We are proud to announce that the mobile app is ready and available in the stores!

We’ve used the world’s best practices and adapted them with the help of Ukrainian psychologists. Even during the testing phase, the application got a lot of positive feedback from our volunteer parents. We hope it would become a useful instrument for the kids – both here in Ukraine as well as millions of those living in other countries right now, which includes families that had to evacuate due to the war.

Learn more about the app and get more educational resources on our website or follow us on:


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