How to Make Your Offline Business Stronger During COVID-19 Pandemic

How to digitalize traditionally-offline industries such as real estate, restaurants, art galleries, gyms, retail, etc.… Read More

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Food Delivery App like UberEats: HUSPI Guide

How can you help people to sustain the more or less ordinary way of life,… Read More

How to Survive the Lockdown if You Have a Restaurant Business: HUSPI Guide

During the quarantine and initial lockdowns, many cafes and restaurants suffered a lot from the… Read More

7 Practical Steps to Mitigate the COVID-19 Impact for Business

This article focuses on various business strategies and insights in general with special attention to… Read More

HUSPI CEO Andriy Lapko Discusses Growth Strategies

Quality over quantity is one of the main principles here at HUSPI. Check out the… Read More

Guide Leading Up to Angular 9.0.0 Release

Changes up to Angular 9.0.0, including bug fixes, breaking changes, deprecations, code refactoring, features, and… Read More

Angular vs. React: Which Framework is Better for You?

Which one - Angular or React - is the more suitable choice for your needs?… Read More

How to Make Technical Specification Meet Business Requirements

Modern software development is a minefield where business goals clash with technical specs; misaligned expectations… Read More

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